Rompeolas: El huso horario que divide a Quintana Roo


Si hay un tema que divide a los quintanarroenses es el cambio de huso horario.

Los prestadores de servicios turísticos no sueltan prenda de que Quintana Roo se debe de regir por el huso de horario del este de Estados Unidos, que es principal mercado turístico de la entidad.

Sin embargo, en el sur y centro del estado la mayoría de la población está en desacuerdo con esta medida por dos razones fundamentales: Ven que el turismo no los ha beneficiado y lo ven como una imposición de “empresarios del gobierno”.

En el pasado hubo movilizaciones y protestas, en los dos intentos fallidos del cambio de huso horario en la entidad.

Pero, el asunto va con fuerza y con toda la fuerza del estado

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    aqui te dejo el Enlace y yo no estoy de acuerdo que cambien el horario por estas Razones Y punto los Indigenas nos Regimos con el Astro Sol y como aqui dice, LA DIFERENCIA DE LUZ ES MAS NOTABLE EN AREAS CERCANAS A LOS POLOS!!! en nuestro caso no nos ayuda a ahorrar energia ya que se refleja en nuestros recibos de consumo de energia.
    A VER SI ERES TAN PRODUCTIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Many countries use DST to make better use of the natural daylight in the evenings, and many don\’t. The difference in light is most noticable in the areas close to the Poles, e.g. furthest away from the Earth\’s equator.

    DST can affect both your body clock and health. Studies show that there is an increase in both heart attacks and road accidents the days after clocks are set forward one hour in Spring.
    Mother with child are sleeping on a bed in the morning.
    DST gives an hour extra in bed in the Fall.

    Setting your clock forward one hour for Daylight Saving Time (DST) means losing one hour of sleep on the Sunday morning.
    Disrupts the body clock

    Although people adjust differently to less sleep, and some people feel the adverse affects more than others, there are some common issues that setting your clocks for Summer Time may cause.

    It can feel a little harder to get out of bed on Monday morning after springing forward one hour on the Sunday morning.
    It may be difficult to get to bed at the normal time on Sunday night after the start of DST.
    Children may feel tired and cranky for several days after an hour\’s change in their bedtime routines.

    Little by little

    There are some simple ways of making it easier to handle the hour change.

    Set your alarm to wake up a little earlier than usual on the Saturday and Sunday before the DST switch. This makes it easier to get out of bed on Monday morning.
    Eat a healthy breakfast first thing. Food also tells your body it is the start of the day.
    The light, and especially the sunlight helps to adjust your body clock.
    Help your child adjust by changing bedtime to a little bit earlier the week before the time change.

    The Pros and Cons of DST
    More heart attacks

    Being tired can decrease productivity, concentration and general well being. Several studies also link DST to increased risk of heart attacks, road accidents and sleep problems:

    A Swedish study in 2008 found that the risk of having a heart attack increases in the first three days after switching to DST
    Similarily, the risk decreases after setting the time back to Standard Time in the fall.
    Traffic accidents increase on the Monday following the start of DST. Tired drivers is the main reason.
    For persistant problems, taking supplements of the sleep hormone Melatonin may help. These should be prescribed by a doctor.

  2. si… esta vez sí se logrará y… la solucion es de los mas sencilla… que la zona centro y sur del estado se queden con su \”horario rebelde\”… si así son felices pos así se quedarán y… la zona norte, la productiva zona norte por fin tendrá el huso horario que verdaderamente le corresponde a quintana roo… tulum, playa del carmen, cozumel, puerto morelos, cancun, e isla mujeres, tendrán el horario correspondiente y… colorin colorado el cuento del horario se a acabado… Amén….

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